london - bucharest

Logan's Adventures in Eastern Europe

Friday, September 01, 2006

Friday, 7th July, 2006 - D-I-S-C-O Cat

We have adopted a kitten who kept meowing at us on the street. Its a very friendly ball of fun who is no more than 8 weeks old and we've called her Disco.

In Bucharest and Romania in general there are thousands and thousands of stray dogs and to a lesser extent cats. Homeless dogs appeared during Ceausescu's regime, when houses and gardens were bulldozed and replaced with communist blocks with small rooms and no gardens. People could not afford to feed their pets and had no where to keep them so they were forced on the street. Adding to the problem was the fact that none of these dogs were neutered, and in a short amount of time the canine population was out of control.

On the whole the dogs are docile creatures and are largely scared of humans, so even though they look like deranged wirey haired wild animals they are harmless, sorry looking creatures.


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