london - bucharest

Logan's Adventures in Eastern Europe

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

"I suppose a happy ending's out of the question?"

Sorry for the lack in postings, i've been busy spending my $500 Macy's Gift Cerificate.* Anyway the last couple of weeks have seen none other than Miss Sarah Evans brave the comforts of the West and come over to visit. Great time had by all, and I have a feeling she'll be back for more soon. By the way Sarah, I have that French guy's number if you still want it :)

Unfortunately none of the photo's were fit for public viewing, so here is a taster of a shoot i did last week for a new fashion / streetstyle / lifestyle website launching fresh out of bucharest very soon... keep your eye's peeled!

For those interested, the lady in question is Smaranda Pâslaru, she really does do massage, and she's got healing hands... apparently.

*ignore if not on myspace

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